The second Microclimate Ecology and Biogeography conference will be held 26.-29.8.2024 in Helsinki, Finland. This international event brings together a wide range of topics and experts on microclimate and its applications in ecology and biogeography. The conference will be held in a hybrid mode.
You will find at these conference web pages all information regarding the registration and program.
Follow the conference social media on X (previously known as Twitter), and spread the word!
Important details
Participation instructions
- The conference and related events require registration
- In-person participants get their name tags at the registration desk which is located at the Foyer Siren 4th floor
- Remote participants get their remote access link via email close to the event
Poster presentation instructions
- Poster size is maximum A0 (84.1 cm x 118.8 cm)
- You can hang your poster on Monday during coffee breaks
- You can leave your poster at the stand until Wednesday afternoon
Talk presentation instructions
- Presentation length is maximum 12 min (followed by questions)
- You can upload you presentation at the registration desk at the event
- Please upload your presentation by the morning of your talk at the latest
Award voting instructions
- The conference participants will vote for the best poster and talk
- A link to the voting system
Important dates
Abstract submission until 15.5.2024
Abstract decisions by 31.5.2024
Abstract submission for late breaking posters by 12.8.2024 (now full)
Registration by 31.7.2024
Conference 26.-29.8.2024
Scientific committee
- Juha Aalto, Finnish Meteorological Institute & University of Helsinki, Finland
- Tuula Aalto, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland
- Pieter De Frenne, University of Gent, Belgium
- Julia Kemppinen (chair), University of Oulu, Finland
- Jonas Lembrechts, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Miska Luoto, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Pekka Niittynen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Miina Rautiainen, Aalto University, Finland
- Tuuli Rissanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Vilna Tyystjärvi, Finnish Meteorological Institute & University of Helsinki, Finland
- Koenraad Van Meerbeek, KULeuven, Belgium
- Tiina Aalto, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Gangotri Chattopadhyay, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Joonas Kolstela, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland
- Johanna Lehtinen, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Iris Starck, University of Helsinki, Finland
Organising committee
- Juha Aalto (chair), Finnish Meteorological Institute & University of Helsinki, Finland
- Julia Kemppinen, University of Oulu, Finland
- Pekka Niittynen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Miska Luoto, University of Helsinki, Finland

Award sponsors
