Abstract submission

Abstract submission for late breaking posters ended 12.8.2024 and places are now filled.

Abstract submission for talks ended 15.5.2024. The abstracts were anonymized for the scientific committee, who informed their decisions by 31.5.2024. By submitting an abstract you may be given the opportunity to present a talk or poster. To attend the conference, you will also need to register to the conference to get a ticket.

Code of conduct

The organising committee of the Microclimate Ecology & Biogeography conference (held in August 2024, Helsinki, Finland) wants to ensure that all participants will enjoy the event. Therefore, by registering for and attending the conference we all agree to the following code of conduct:

We will respect everyone regardless of age, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, nationality, political affiliation, health, caring responsibilities, physical appearance, disability or educational background. Furthermore, we will not tolerate language and behaviour which reinforces discrimination based on any of these attributes.

We will refrain from any form of discrimination, harassment or retaliation. This can include intimidating behaviour or language, inappropriate jokes or comments, unwanted attention, stalking or displaying offensive images.

If you feel unhappy or uncomfortable with the conduct of others at the conference, please contact any member of the organising committee. Your comments will be taken seriously and acted upon in confidence. If you do not treat others with the respect and tolerance that we all deserve, you may be asked to leave.


Registration ended 31.7.2024. The conference has a limited capacity and tickets are given on the first come first served basis. By registering to the conference you get a ticket to attend the conference, which includes keynote talks, conference presentations (talks and posters), coffee and snacks. Lunch is not included and not organized by the conference.

Lower prices apply only to those whose main affiliation is located in other than high income countries according to the map here.

Student prices apply only to those who have not received a doctorate degree at the time of registration (e.g., PhD researchers, master students).

Remote participation has also a limited capacity and includes only watching and listening to keynote talks and conference presentations. Possibility to present a talk or a poster is given only to in-person participants.

Additional program includes the following events: conference excursion (extra cost), welcome event (free), conference dinner (extra cost) and workshop (free). Lunch is not included in the workshop. The excursion includes lunch. The excursion and dinner have limited capacities and tickets are given on a first come first served basis. The excursion and dinner have only one price (no lower prices).


Many conferences are currently being targeted by scams. Please note that Confedent International is the only official congress office and hotel booking agency for MEB2024, and together with the official organizers, the only office sending e-mails to speakers and participants of MEB2024. The official emails come from meb2024@confedent.fi  and meb2024@helsinki.fi

Cancellation and refund policy

All cancellations must be made in writing to meb2024@confedent.fi

For registration, additional program and accommodation (cancellation or early departure), a fee of EUR 50 will be applied to all cancellations made by July 22, 2024. No refunds will be made for cancellations made after July 22, 2024.

100% payment to be made if fees not paid at the time of cancellation. No-show is not considered a cancellation. Denial of a visa application to Finland does not entitle to any refunds.

The conference organisers cannot accept liability for personal injuries sustained, for loss of, or damage to property belonging to participants (or their accompanying persons), either during or as a result of the conference. The registration fees do not include insurance of any kind so please check the validity and coverage of your own travel insurance.

The organisers do not take responsibility for force majeure reasons for cancellation of the event (natural disaster, outbreak of severe contagious epidemic, major strikes etc.). In such case, the organising committee will decide upon refunding of paid fees.

Conference ticket – Full price

  • Basic registration 250 €
  • Student registration 125 €
  • Remote participation registration 50 €

Conference ticket – Lower price*

  • Basic registration 125 €
  • Student registration 65 €
  • Remote participation registration 25 €

Additional program

  • Conference excursion: 50 €
  • Welcome event: 0 €
  • Conference dinner 70 €
  • Workshop NicheMapR 0 €

*Lower prices apply only to those whose main affiliation is located in other than high income countries according to the map here.